How do I complete a course?
Go through the brand course, mark each topic as complete, must achieve 100% on quiz to have successfully completed the course
How do I reset my password?
Go to login page and click ‘lost password’
Can I redo the Quiz?
Yes, you can complete the quiz as many times as you need to until you feel competent
Can I stop the training and come back to it later?
Yes, when you return to the training portal click ‘continue study’ to resume
Can I login without internet?
No, you will need an internet connection to do the course
Can I do the training on any device?
Yes, you can do the training on any device using any internet browser
Can I email myself my certificate?
Yes you can download or email your certificate
Will my information be protected?
Yes please click on Privacy tab on bottom right of training
Who do I contact if I am having issues?
Please email and allow 1-2 working days for a response